Sepideh Abedi

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-27

Sepideh Abedi

Mechanical and Energy Systems Engineering /

Journal Paper

  1. "Enhancing biogas production using ultrasound-assisted thermal pretreatment technology for anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge and microalgae substrates"
    Sepideh Abedi, Matin Khaleghi, Abbas Naeimi
    Advances in Environmental Technology, Vol. 10, pp.171-187, 2024
  2. "Real-time photovoltaic energy assessment using a GSM-based smart monitoring system: Addressing the impact of climate change on solar energy estimation software"
    Sepideh Abedi, Mohammad Hussein Moradi, Reza Shirmohammadi
    Energy Reports, Vol. 10, pp.2361-2373, 2023
  3. "Evaluation of Biogas Production Rate and Leachate Treatment in Landfill Through a Water-Energy Nexus Framework for Integrated Waste Management"
    Sepideh Abedi, Azadeh Nozarpour, Omid Tavakoli
    Energy Nexus, Vol. 11, pp.1-9, 2023
  4. "Design and Analysis of Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems for Sustainable Development of Remote Areas"
    Armin Razmjoo, Arezoo Ghazanfari, Poul Alberg ?stergaard, Sepideh Abedi
    Energies, Vol. 16, 2023
  5. "Bioenergy Production Using Trichormus variabilis- a review"
    Sepideh Abedi, Fatemeh Razi Astaraei, Barat Ghobadian, Omid Tavakoli, Hassan Jalili, Stephen Chivasa, Chris Greenwell
    Biofuels Bioproducts and Biorefining-Biofpr, Vol. 13, pp.1365-1382, 2019
  6. "Decoupling a novel Trichormus variabilis-Synechocystis sp. interaction to boost phycoremediation"
    Sepideh Abedi, Fatemeh Razi Astaraei, Barat Ghobadian, Omid Tavakoli, Hassan Jalili, Chris Greenwell, Ian Cummins, Stephen Chivasa
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, 2019
  7. "Evaluation of Biomass Production and Wastewater Nutrient Removal Using Microalgae:Sustainable Strategy to CO2 Bio-Fixation and Bioenergy Production Approach"
    Sepideh Abedi, Fatemeh Razi Astaraie, Barat Ghobadian, Omid Tavakoli, Hasan Jalili
    Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment, Vol. 4, pp.39-48, 2017
  8. "Biodiesel production from Norouzak (Salvia lerifolia) seeds as an indigenous source of bio fuel in Iran using ultrasound"
    Ahmad Hajinezhad, Sepideh Abedi, Barat Ghobadian, Younes Noorollahi
    ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, Vol. 99, pp.132-140, 2015
  9. "A Panel Data Approach for Investigation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and CO2 Causality Relationship"
    Iraj Saleh, Samaneh Abedi, Sepideh Abedi
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 16, pp.947-956, 2014
  10. "Water-Energy-Environment Nexus Assessment: Phycoremediation, Biofuel Production, and Carbon Capture Using Microalgae"
    Sepideh Abedi, Arezoo Ahmadinia, Sajad Eidipour
    Vol. 2, pp.87-99, 2023
  11. "Assessment of Renewable Energy Potential in Sistan and Baluchistan Province: Solar, Wind, Geothermal, and Bioenergy Sources"
    Sepideh Abedi, Danial Ebrahimnia
    Vol. 2, pp.353-367, 2023
  12. "Factors affecting the supply of agricultural residues for bioenergy production Case study: Boroujerd city"
    سمانه عابدي, Sepideh Abedi, زهره فريدوني
    Vol. 10, pp.1-36, 2022
  13. "Water, Energy and Environment NEXUS Assessment in Combined Thermal-Solar Power Plant (Case Study: Zarand Power Plant)"
    Sepideh Abedi, Matin Kazemi namin, ALI AKBAR YAGHOUBI, Shaghayegh Asadi shizari, Maede Morsalpour
    Vol. 10, pp.1-34, 2022
  14. "Technical and Economic Evaluation of Bio Energy Production in Settlements without Gas Supply Network on the Outskirts of Kermanshah"
    Sepideh Abedi, NEGAR ASL FALLAH, Mahtab Esfandiari, Sepideh Ghayour Najafabadi, Zahra Abbasi
    Vol. 2, pp.162-168, 2021
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    Sepideh Abedi
    pp.1-10, 2020
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    Saeed Yazdani, Samaneh Abedi, Sepideh Abedi
    Vol. 45, pp.41-48, 2014
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    Hamidreza Jafari, Ali Azizi, Hossein Nasiri, Sepideh Abedi
    Vol. 15, pp.23-41, 2013

Conference Paper

  1. "Building a Sustainable Future"
    Sepideh Abedi
    Higher Education Partnership Conference (HEPCON), 2024
  2. "Algal Generation Towards Water and Energy NEXUS"
    Sepideh Abedi
    IRAN ALGAE 2023, 2023
  3. "Water and Energy NEXUS of Thermal Power Plant (Case Study: Tarasht Power Plant)"
    Sepideh Abedi, Matin Kazemi namin
    3rd international Congress on Water Desalination, 2021
  4. "Textile Industry Effluent Treatment Using Algae"
    Sepideh Abedi, Matin Khaleghi
    3rd international Congress on Water Desalination, 2021
  5. "Performance Evaluation of Geothermal Heat Pump for Domestic Use in Ahvaz City"
    Sepideh Abedi, Mohammad Hussein Moradi
    , 2021
  6. "Energy and Environment Nexus of Bioethanol Production using Agricultural Residues (Case Study: Qaemshahr County)"
    Sepideh Abedi, Mohammad Fallah talouki
    , 2021
  7. "Potenial of bioenergy production using anaerobic digestion of sewge sludge (Case study Sabzevar wastewater treatment plant)"
    Sepideh Abedi, Matin Khaleghi, Abbas Naeimi
    5th international conference on applied researches in science and engineering, 2020
  8. "Combined Industrial and Municipal Wastewater Treatment using Adapted Microalgae"
    Sepideh Abedi, fatermeh Razi astaraei, barat ghobadian, omid tavakoli, hasan jalili, Steve Chivasa, Chris Greenwell
    7th UK Algae Conference, 2017
  9. "Economic Benefits of Replacing Chemical Fertilizers with Algae Fertilizers in Reducing Global Warming"
    Samaneh Abedi, Sepideh Abedi
    7th UK Algae Conference, 2017
  10. "Economic and Environmental Feasibility Study of Greenhouse Heating and Cooling using Geothermal Heat Pump in Northwest Iran"
    hossein yosefi, Younes Norolahi, Sepideh Abedi, khalil panahian, amirhossein mirabadi, sara abedi
    World Geothermal Congress, 2015
  11. "Biofuel Production from Waste Beef Tallow Oil using Ultrasonic Power"
    Sepideh Abedi, Omid Tavakoli, Sara Abedi
    The 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress (IChEC), 2014
  12. "Biodiesel production potential from indigenous plant sources in Tehran province using GIS software"
    Sepideh Abedi, ahmad hajinejhad, barat ghobadian
    The European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems, 2012
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    Sepideh Abedi, Lavin Moradi
    , 2024
  14. "Modeling and Implementation of a Pilot-Scale Open Photobioreactor Integrated with Paddlewheels for Biofuel Production"
    Sepideh Abedi, Mohammadhossein Heydari
    The 32nd Annual International Conference of the Iranian Association of Mechanical Engineers (ISME 2024), 2024
  15. "Design, Construction and Analysis of a Hybrid Photobioreactor for Enhancing Microalgae Cultivation Using Computational Fluid Dynamics"
    9th International Conference on Technology and Energy Management, 2024
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    Mana Attari, Sepideh Abedi
    , 2023
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    Mohammad Hussein Moradi, Sepideh Abedi
    , 2023
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    Sepideh Abedi, Leila Azizan mehrabani, Farinaz Nemati
    Tehran Investment Summit 2022, 2022
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    Sepideh Abedi, Lavin Moradi
    Tehran Investment Summit 2022, 2022
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    Tehran Investment Summit 2022, 2022
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    Sepideh Abedi, Arezoo Ahmadinia, Sajad Eidipour
    Tehran Investment Summit 2022, 2022
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    Samaneh Abedi, Sepideh Abedi
    , 2015
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    Sepideh Abedi, omid tavakoli, Sara Abedi
    3rd National Conference of Fuel Energy Environment, 2013
  24. "Economic & Environmental Evaluation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Power Generation Plants: Life Cycle Analyze"
    Mehdi Mehrpooya, Sepideh Abedi, Samaneh Abedi
    , 2012