Mahmood Sameezadeh

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-06

Mahmood Sameezadeh

Mechanical and Energy Systems Engineering /

Journal Paper

  1. "Temperature-gradient and isothermal creep tests on 2024 aluminum alloy: A novel approach to creep failure evaluation aided by image processing"
    Mohadese Khalafi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
  2. "Molecular dynamics study on mechanical properties of polycaprolactone/bioactive glass nanocomposites"
    Majid Sohrabian, Majid Vaseghi, SARA RANJBAR ESLAMLOO, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Behrouz Arab, Farah Moradi
  3. "Experimental-theoretical study of a novel approach for dissimilar welding of ferritic steels in power plants: An investigation of morphology-composition-property"
    Mahsa Barati Mahyari, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Saman Dehrooyeh
  4. "Compressive response and energy absorption of foam-filled aluminum honeycomb composite: experiments and simulation"
    Mohammad Fathi, Mahmood Sameezadeh, majid vaseghi
    Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 45, pp.1-10, 2023
  5. "Softening and Microstructure Evolution of Pure Copper Disks Processed by High Pressure Torsion"
    Seyed Amin Hosseini Kahnoj, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 28, pp.2646-2651, 2022
  6. "Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Fracture Behavior of Hot-Rolled Hypereutectoid Si-Mn TRIP Steel: The Heat-Treatment Effect"
    Sasan Hasanlou, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 28, pp.1349-1360, 2022
  7. "Fracture Behavior and Mechanical Properties of a Thermomechanical TRIP Steel Under Simulated Heat Treatment Conditions"
    Sasan Hasanlou, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi
    Metallography Microstructure and Analysis, Vol. 10, pp.158-166, 2021
  8. "Glass fiber/Carbon nanotube/Epoxy hybrid composites: Achieving superior mechanical properties"
    Saman Dehrooyeh, Majid Vaseghi, Majid Sohrabian, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    MECHANICS OF MATERIALS, Vol. 161, 2021
  9. "A novel thermal-gradient creep test to evaluate the creep behavior of Sn-Pb eutectic alloy"
    Niloofar Zarhanesh, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi
    MATERIALS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES, Vol. 38, pp.139-146, 2021
  10. "Numerical simulation and experimental investigation on a steamturbine blade fractured from the lacing hole"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh, Sasan Hasanlou, Hossein Zafari, Majid Vaseghi
  11. "Mechanical bonding in cold roll-claddingof tri-layered brass/steel/brass composite"
    Majid Vaseghi, Hosein Zand, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    International Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 111, pp.826-832, 2020
  12. "Analytical and numerical investigations of the crack behavior in thermal barrier coatings under the trip thermal load"
    Ali Ghaseminezhad Kooshali, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi, Pedram Safarpoor
    SURFACE and COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 337, pp.90-96, 2018
  13. "Experimental and statistical optimization of the hydrogen reduction process of nickel oxide"
    Maryam Abdollahi, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi
  14. "Modeling and simulation of thermal fatigue crack in EB-PVD TBCs under non-uniform temperature"
    Ali Ghaseminezhad Kooshali, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi, Pedram Safarpoor
    CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 43, pp.13140-13145, 2017
  15. "Graphene Synthesis Methods for Graphene based Supercapacitors used in solar cell energy systems"
    Sasan Hasanlou, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    journal of solar energy research, Vol. 24, pp.309-314, 2017
  16. "Effect of MoSi2 distribution on room and high temperature mechanical properties of aluminum matrix nanocomposites"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh, Masoud Emamy, Hassan Farhangi
    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, Vol. 31, pp.1741-1747, 2016
  17. "Nanocomposites of aluminum alloy-MoSi2 Synthesis and characterization"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh,
    JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS, Vol. 49, pp.3145-3155, 2015
  18. "Structural characterization of AA 2024-MoSi2 nanocomposite powders produced by mechanical milling"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh, Hassan Farhangi, Masoud Emamy
    International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, Vol. 20, pp.298-306, 2013
  19. "Structural and morphological evaluation of nano-sized MoSi2 powder produced by mechanical milling"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh, Hassan Farhangi, Masoud Emamy
    international journal of modern physics conference series, Vol. 5, pp.464-471, 2012
  20. "Effects of particulate reinforcement and heat treatment on the hardness and wear properties of AA 2024-MoSi2 nanocomposites"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh, Masoud Emamy, Hassan Farhangi
    MATERIALS and DESIGN, Vol. 32, pp.2157-2164, 2011
  21. "Investigation of Fatigue Fracture of Generator-rotor fan Blades"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh, Hassan Farhangi, Nasser Soltani, Peyman Atayi
    International Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 100, pp.1607-1613, 2009
  22. "Experimental investigation of electrode drying and PWHT on microstructure and mechanical properties of P91 steel welding joint"
    Sanaz Nazaralizadeh, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    Vol. 20, pp.2235-2243, 2020
  23. "Effect of Repair Welds on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 9Cr1Mo Welding Joint"
    Majid Vaseghi, Sanaz Nazaralizadeh, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    Vol. 10, pp.29-44, 2020
  24. "Metallurgical fatigue failure analysis of the brazed steam turbine blade"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi, Hossein Zafari
    Vol. 5, pp.117-123, 2019
  25. "Analytical and finite element investigations of trip effect on thermal stress and strain and crack growth in TBCs"
    Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Pedram Safarpoor, Ali Ghaseminezhad Kooshali
    Vol. 14, pp.29-38, 2018
  26. "Investigation of fatigue fracture and crack growth life in rotor generator fan blades of a thermal power plant"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh, ,
    Vol. 2, pp.21-30, 2006

Conference Paper

  1. "Study on Physical and Mechanicals Properties of Glass Fiber/MWCNT/Epoxy and Glas Fiber/Epoxy Composite"
    Saman Dehrooyeh, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Sohrabian
    8th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS8), No 8 , pp.440-460, 2020
  2. "The Effect of Secondary Particles on Mechanical Properties of Polycaprolactone/Bioactive glass Nanocomposites"
    SARA RANJBAR ESLAMLOO, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Sohrabian
    8th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS8), No 8 , pp.216-218, 2020
  3. "Study on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Glass Fiber/MWCNT/Epoxy and Glass Fiber/Epoxy Composites"
    Saman Dehrooyeh, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Sohrabian
    8th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS8), No 8 , pp.404-406, 2020
  4. "The Effects of Secondary Particles on Mechanical Properties of Polycaprolactone/Bioactive glass Nanocomposites"
    SARA RANJBAR ESLAMLOO, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Sohrabian
    8th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS8), No 8 , pp.612-618, 2020
  5. "Effect of Heat-treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of an Automotive Body Steel"
    Ali Nekuei fasih, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    The Biennial International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics (X-Mech 2020), No 1 , 2020
  6. "An Investigation of Fracture Behavior of Silicon-Manganese Steel Alloys"
    Sasan Hasanlou, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi
    First international conference on mechanics of advanced materials and equipment, 2018
  7. "Rejuvenation of microstructure of SA213-T22 super heater tubes of the boiler of power plants by heat treatment"
    Hadis Anvari Far, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    First international conference on mechanics of advanced materials and equipment, 2018
  8. "Graphene Synthesis Methods for Graphene Based Supercapacitors of the Solar Energy Systems"
    Sasan Hasanlou, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    4th International Conference on Solar Energy, 2017
  9. "An Investigation to HPT of Copper Disk Using Finite Element Method"
    Hosein Alimohammadi, Seyed Amin Hosseini Kahnoj, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    6th Biennial International Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials (UFGNSM2017), No 6 , pp.1-5, 2017
  10. "Effect of heat treatment on joining characterizations of three-ply plate of brass steel made by cold rolling process"
    Hosein Zand, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    The 4th International Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Conference (iMat2015), No 4 , pp.1-10, 2015
  11. "Fractographic Analysis and Fatigue Life Evaluation of the Failure of Generator-Rotor fan Blades"
    Hassan Farhangi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    International Fracture Conference, No 1 , pp.837-843, 2015
  12. ""
    Maryam Abdollahi, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi
    International Conference in New Research of Chemistry Chemistry Engineering, pp.1-10, 2015
  13. "Microstructural and Fractographic Investigation of the Failure of 2124 Aluminum Alloy Rotor fan Blades"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh, Hassan Farhangi
    , pp.514-518, 2015
  14. "Failure analysis of an auxiliary boiler water- wall tubes"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh, Seyed Ebrahim Moussavi Torshizi
    The 3th International Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Conference (iMat2014), pp.1-13, 2014
  15. "Effect of mechanical milling on the microstructure and morphology of AA 2024-MoSi2 nanocomposite powders"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh, Hassan Farhangi, Masoud Emamy
    The First International The Sixth Joint Conference of Iranian Metallurgical Engineering Society Iranian Foundrymen s Society (6IMES 2012), 2012
  16. "Investigating the compressive behavior of honeycomb reinforced with polyurethane foam and circular carbon fiber tube"
    Rasoul Safdari, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    , 2023
  17. "Investigating and Comparing the Dimensional Accuracy of Fused Deposition Modeling and Selective Laser Sintering 3D printers"
    Matin Kakhki, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Sohrabian, Ali Masnavian Motlagh
    , 2022
  18. "Investigating Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking in a refinery Reactor's Wall"
    Mohammad Mahdi Pooyandeh, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi
    19th National Corrosion Congress, 2021
  19. "Investigating the effect of architecture on the mechanical properties of polymeric bone scaffolds"
    FERESHTEH ALSADAT MOHAMMADI, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi, Majid Sohrabian
    9th International Conference & Exhibition on Materials Science & Metallurgical Engineering (iMat2020), pp.101-108, 2020
  20. ""
    Mohammad Mahdi Pooyandeh, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Mohsen Shabanlou
    9th International Conference & Exhibition on Materials Science & Metallurgical Engineering (iMat2020), No 14 , pp.1-11, 2020
  21. "The effect of polyurethane foam filling on the compressive strength of aluminum honeycomb"
    Mohammad Fathi, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi
    8th International Conference Exhibition on Materials Science Metallurgical Engineering, 2019
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    Afsaneh Darvish Motevali, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    8th International Conference Exhibition on Materials Science Metallurgical Engineering, No 1 , pp.1-25, 2019
  23. "Investigating"
    Majid Vaseghi
    19th Iranian and International congress of microbiology, No 19 , pp.1-11, 2018
  24. ""
    Niloofar Zarhanesh, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi
    6th international conference on materials and metallurgy engineering, 2017
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    Sanaz Nazaralizadeh, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi
    6th international conference on materials and metallurgy engineering, 2017
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    Mahsa Barati Mahyari, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    6th international conference on materials and metallurgy engineering, No 6 , pp.1-13, 2017
  27. "Failure analysis of wind turbine mast screw connections"
    Mohammad ali Gheidi shahran, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Seyed Ebrahim Moussavi Torshizi
    , 2017
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    Ali Ghaseminezhad Kooshali, Pedram Safarpoor, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi
    2nd International onference on New research Achivements in Mechanics Industrial Aerospace Engineering, 2016
  29. "New technologies in the restoration of power plant turbine blades, laser welding and cold spray"
    Ali Ghaseminezhad Kooshali, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    , pp.1-7, 2016
  30. "An investigation to joining characterizations of three-ply sheet of brass/steel/brass made by cold rolling process"
    Hosein Zand, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi,
    International Conference on Modern Research in Science Engineering and Technology (icmrs2016), 2016
  31. "Study on The effect of initial thickness in symmetric three-layer cold rolling by mathematical modeling and computer simulation"
    Mohammad Sajjad Golkar, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi
    International Conference on Modern Research in Science Engineering and Technology (icmrs2016), 2016
  32. "Study of the time temperature and flow rate effect on the hydrogen reduction of nickel oxide on the microstructure of the produced nickel powder"
    Maryam Abdollahi, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    International Conference on Modern Research in Science Engineering and Technology (icmrs2016), No 1 , pp.1-12, 2016
  33. "Mathematical modeling and computer simulation of cold rolling process in symmetric three-layer of steel and brass"
    Mohammad Sajjad Golkar, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    The 1st International Conference on mining Metals and Materials Eng. (MMM), 2015
  34. "An estimation of stresses lead to fatigue failure of a blade located in low pressure stage of steam turbine"
    Hossein Zafari, Majid Vaseghi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    The 1st International Conference on mining Metals and Materials Eng. (MMM), 2015
  35. "Fracture analysis of the 17th row blade of an 82.5 MW steam turbine"
    Hossein Zafari, Mahmood Sameezadeh, Majid Vaseghi
    30th International Power System Conference, 2015
  36. "Investigating the causes of failure of the economizer tubes of a HRSG"
    Seyed Ebrahim Moussavi Torshizi, Mahmood Sameezadeh
    30th International Power System Conference, 2015
  37. "Failure analysis of the water-wall tubes of a power plant boiler"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh, Seyed Ebrahim Moussavi Torshizi
    30th International Power System Conference, 2015
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    Hamed Ramezani, Seyed Ebrahim Moussavi Torshizi, Mahmood Sameezadeh,
    , 2013
  39. "Fractographic investigation and Miner-Palmgren calculations in fatigue fracture analysis of generator rotor fan blades"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh,
    , 2005
  40. "Fatigue fracture investigation of generator rotor fan blades made of 2124 aluminum alloy"
    Mahmood Sameezadeh,
    , No 1 , pp.541-550, 2004