Javad Aminian

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-06

Javad Aminian

Mechanical and Energy Systems Engineering /

Journal Paper

  1. "Techno-economic and environmental feasibility study of MILD combustion in domestic utility boilers under partial load operation"
    Nima Emami kian, Javad Aminian
    Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 90, pp.109425-109440, 2024
  2. "Experimental investigation and multi-objective optimization of boiler-recuperator systems to reach MILD combustion characteristics"
    NIMA EMAMIKIAN, Javad Aminian
    Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Vol. 37, 2023
  3. "Experimental and numerical investigation of MILD combustion in a pilot-scale water heater"
    Ghasem Khabbazian, Javad Aminian, Ramin Haghighi Khoshkhoo
    ENERGY, Vol. 239, 2022
  4. "Performance analysis of syngas production in a water thermal plasma reactor"
    Javad Aminian, Ahmad Khaghani Arshad
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, Vol. 45, pp.30017-30028, 2020
  5. "Impact of sub-grid scale models on resolving mixing and thermal shear layers in large eddy simulation of JHC flames"
    Javad Aminian, Chiara Galletti, Leonardo Tognotti
    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 149, pp.1244-1254, 2019
  6. "Scale Adaptive Simulation of vortex structures past a square cylinder"
    Javad Aminian
    Journal of Hydrodynamics, Vol. 30, pp.657-671, 2018
  7. "Dynamic two-point fluidization model for gas-solid fluidized fluidized beds"
    Javad Aminian, Kasra Farnagh
    ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 29, pp.2845-2858, 2018
    Seyed Mostafa Mousavi Abdollahi, Javad Aminian, Navvab Shafiei, Abdolrahman Dadvand
    sigma journal of engineering and natural sciences, Vol. 35, pp.133-155, 2017
  9. "Hydrodynamic modeling strategy for dense to dilute gas-solid fluidized beds"
    Seyed Ahmad Kia, Javad Aminian
    Particuology, Vol. 31, pp.105-116, 2016
  10. "Extended EDC local extinction model accounting finite-rate chemistry for MILD combustion"
    Javad Aminian, Chiara Galletti, Leonardo Tognotti
    FUEL, Vol. 165, pp.123-133, 2016
  11. "Experimental and numerical study of iron pyrite nanoparticles synthesis based on hydrothermal method in a laboratory-scale stirred autoclave"
    Abouzar Azarafza, Mahmoud Ziarati, Nahid Khandan, Javad Aminian, Hamid Kazemi Esfeh, Mohammad Reza Setarekokab
    POWDER TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 287, pp.177-189, 2016
  12. "An insight into chemical kinetics and turbulence-chemistry interaction modeling in flameless combustion"
    Amir Azimi, Javad Aminian
    international journal of energy and environment, Vol. 6, pp.383-390, 2015
  13. "Numerical investigation of the application of high temperature air combustion in an industrial furnace"
    Javad Aminian, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Mahmoud Bayat
  14. "Numerical Investigation of a MILD Combustion Burner Analysis of Mixing Field Chemical Kinetics and Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction"
    Javad Aminian, Chiara Galletti, Shahrokh Shahhosseini, Leonardo Tognotti
    FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION, Vol. 88, pp.597-623, 2012
  15. "Key modeling issues in prediction of minor species in diluted-preheated combustion conditions"
    Javad Aminian, Chiara Galletti, , Leonardo Tognotti
    APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 31, pp.3287-3300, 2011
  16. "Investigation of Temperature and Flow Fields in an Alternative Design of Industrial Cracking Furnaces Using CFD"
    Javad Aminian, ,
    Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 7, pp.61-73, 2010
  17. "Analytical study of the effect of Local Thermal non-Equilibrium intensity in porous foams"
    Armin Abdollahipour, Javad Aminian
    Vol. 35-3, pp.23-32, 2019
  18. "Implementation and economic analysis of MILD combustion in a lab-scale boiler"
    Ghasem Khabbazian, Javad Aminian, Ramin Haghighi Khoshkhoo
    Vol. 12, pp.17-37, 2019

Conference Paper

  1. "Technical assessment of electricity and desalinated water production by a coupled arrangement of solar fields and package boiler"
    Alireza Poorhamidi, Mohsen Ahmadian, Javad Aminian
    The First Joint Iran Germany Conference on Renewable Energy IGCRE 2014, No 1 , pp.1-6, 2014
  2. "Prediction of Flame Envelope of Hydrocarbon Fuels in Industrial Fired Heaters"
    Javad Aminian, Sasan Ghomi, Hossein Abbasi
    10th Iran Fuel and Combustion Conference, No 1 , pp.1-6, 2024
  3. "Investigation of optimum energy efficiency for heating system retrofit in high-rise residential buildings in Iran"
    Nima Emami kian, Javad Aminian
    10th Iran Fuel and Combustion Conference, 2024
  4. ""
    NIMA EMAMIKIAN, Javad Aminian
    , No 9 , pp.1-8, 2022
  5. ""
    Seyyedeh fatemeh Hosseini, Mohammad Reza Shobeiri, Javad Aminian
    The 7th Fuel and Combustion Conference of Iran (FCCI-2018), 2018
  6. ""
    Javad Aminian
    The 7th Fuel and Combustion Conference of Iran (FCCI-2018), 2018
  7. ""
    ELHAM FAKHRAIAN, Javad Aminian
    The 6th National Gas Turbine Conference (GTC96), 2018
  8. ""
    Ghasem Khabbazian, Ramin Haghighi Khoshkhoo, Javad Aminian
    , 2017
  9. ""
    Ghasem Khabbazian, Ramin Haghighi Khoshkhoo, Javad Aminian
    , 2017
  10. "Evaluation of Scale Adaptive Simulation turbulence model forflow past a square cylinder"
    Amirreza Rasteh, Javad Aminian
    , No 1 , pp.1-10, 2016
  11. ""
    Javad Aminian
    , No 1 , pp.1-20, 2016
  12. "A new combined drag-viscosity model for simulation of dense to dilute gas-solid fluidization"
    Kasra Farnagh, Javad Aminian
    , No 1 , pp.1-21, 2016
  13. ""
    Masoud Hoeein, Javad Aminian
    24th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME2016), No 1 , pp.1-6, 2016
  14. "Technical assessment of applying solar thermal storage system to generate electric power"
    Alireza Poorhamidi, Javad Aminian
    1th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, No 1 , pp.1-7, 2016
  15. ""
    Amirreza Rasteh, Javad Aminian
    The 6th Fuel and Combustion Conference of Iran (FCCI2016), No 1 , pp.1-12, 2016
  16. ""
    Alireza Poorhamidi, Javad Aminian
    The 6th Fuel and Combustion Conference of Iran (FCCI2016), No 1 , pp.1-9, 2016
  17. "Production of electricity and desalinated water by a central solar tower in Thermoflow software"
    Alireza Poorhamidi, Javad Aminian
    2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Solar Energy (ICESE) 2015, No 1 , pp.1-5, 2015
  18. "An insight into chemical mechanisms and combustion modeling in flameless mode"
    Amir Azimi, Javad Aminian
    The 15th Iranian National Congress of Chemical Engineering, pp.1-6, 2015
  19. "CFD analysis of hydrodynamic behavior in a fluidized bed gasifier"
    Seyed Ahmad Kia, Javad Aminian
    The 15th Iranian National Congress of Chemical Engineering, pp.1-5, 2015
  20. "Technical optimization of a utility boiler in order to increase combustion efficiency and reduce NOx formation"
    Javad Aminian
    Iron and Steel Symposium 2000, No 4 , pp.1-14, 2001