Assistant Professor
Update: 2025-03-06
Seyed Houssain Dibajian
Mechanical and Energy Systems Engineering /
P.H.D dissertations
Master Theses
Design and analysis of inflatable structures to be used in drones
Morteza Vahabi khah 2023 -
Numerical and experimental analysis of residual stresses and porosity in the SLM
Mona Abasali nia shirvani 2022 -
Development of Plug-in in Abaqus for Analysis of Residual Stresses of SLM Process
Mastoore Salarvand 2022 -
Design and optimization of non-explosive satellite separation mechanism
Mohammad Saberi moghaddam 2022 -
Multi-scaled analysis of stratospheric airship envelope
Parastu Rashidian yazd 2022 -
Mechanical analysis of adhesive bonding joint of composite envelopes in stratospheric airship
Elina Sharbati navan 2022 -
Finite element Simulation for improving the tensile-rotational bending process of two-layer tube and investigation of its effective phenomena
Amirreza Masomian 2021 -
Soroush Ghanbari 2020 -
Sepideh Azadehranjbar 2020 -
Nonlinear buckling analysis of steel and composite hybrid cylinders
Mostafa Mahpey 2020 -
Mehdi Shirahsan 2020 -
Negin Rostami 2019 -