Graduate Program
The graduate program in the faculty of mechanical and energy engineering was established in 2005. The faculty offers 8 major fields including:
·Mechanical Engineering - Applied design
·Mechanical Engineering - Energy conversion
·Renewable Energies Engineering
·Energy Systems Engineering- Energy Systems
·Energy Systems Engineering- Energy technology
·Materials Engineering - Characterization and selection of engineering materials
·Technical Inspection Engineering
·Maintenance and Condition Monitoring
The MSc program in "Mechanical and Energy Engineering - Energy Conversion, Renewable Energies Engineering and Energy Systems Engineering" provides BSc mechanical and electrical engineering students and graduated practicing mechanical engineers with knowledge and understanding of the 'state-of-the-art' and 'advanced' application of power plants, fluid mechanics, air conditioning systems, heat transfer, internal combustion engines and electrical systems. The fields of research in these areas are the energy and power production industry (including fossil and renewable energy power plants) in which the Department has acknowledged expertise. This combines with the potential for students to develop their abilities in subjects such as direct energy conversion systems (fuel cells, solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy, thermoelectrics, etc.) as well as energy storage methods.
The program has two main modules: the course module and the research module. The program may be taken full-time over two years (4 semesters) and has 32 credits. The course module includes 5 core subjects and 3 electives (each with 3 credits). The research module has a research seminar (2 credits) and an individual research project (6 credits).
The principal component of the course is the individual research project, which is usually associated with current research activity or industrial consultancy for energy and power production industry, allowing the students to gain substantial expertise in the particular area. Further expertise is developed by taking taught course modules.
The success of the program can be measured by the large proportion of graduates who go on to find appropriate and challenging posts in energy industry, government, and universities at home and abroad. The department has 10 full time faculties and has conducted the program for 9 years.
PhD research programs are also available in different areas according to the capacity of the faculty.