Energy Conversion

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Department of Energy Conversion
Modern world is developing rapidly, and the need for energy and power is growing day after day. Increased energy costs on the one hand and the environmental impact of the operation of machinery on the other, have placed rigorous requirements on the design and development of modern turbomachinery.
As major industrial energy-to-mechanical work converters, turbomachines are used to transfer energy to a fluid or to convert fluid energy into mechanical work. Turbomachines not only play central roles in power generation, oil, gas and petrochemical industries but also serve as prime movers in transportation and aviation industries. Efficiency improvement and reduction of emissions are some of the major challenges in the development of modern turbomachines.
The mission of the FMT group is technology development, improvement, and optimization for existing and new turbomachines, including gas turbines, steam turbines, wind turbines, compressors, turbo-chargers, turbo-expanders, pumps, hydraulic turbines, etc., for power generation in oil, gas and petrochemical industries.
This group provides:
  • Undergraduate and graduate courses in fluid mechanics and turbomachinery for engineering students in B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs;
  • Specialized industrial training courses;
  • Technical support of industry. 
The FMT group focuses on:
  • Modernization of existing machinery and implementation of new and state of the art technologies in order to improve machine efficiency and to reduce the environmental impacts of machinery;

  • Development of computational and experimental techniques for design, optimization, analysis, and evaluation of turbomachines;

  • State of the art research in the field of turbomachinery and development of industry-oriented solutions and technologies;

  • Providing industrial training programs and technical support.

A selection of undergraduate lectures include:
  • Turbomachinery 1

  • Gas Turbines

  • Steam Turbines

  • Elementary Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

 A selection of lectures in graduate programs include:
  • Design of gas turbines

  • Design of radial-flow turbomachines

  • Design of axial-flow turbomachines

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

A selection of technical training courses for industry is as follows:
  • Steam Turbines (elementary and advanced)

  • Gas Turbines (elementary and advanced)

  • Pumps, Fans, and Compressors (elementary and advanced)

The graduates of FMT programs can continue their career in power generation, oil, gas and petrochemical industries as rotary machinery specialists in industrial as well as research levels.

Program Title Level Entry Requirement
Mechanical Engineering - Energy Conversion Master Bachelor
Mechanical Engineering - Energy Conversion PhD Master
Applied Design
Energy Systems Engineering
Materials and Metallurgy
Renewable Energies Engineering